2017 COS CEO Leadership Lessons: Margaret Sabin

By CSBJ (Publishing Corp. of Colorado Springs) (other events)

Monday, July 10 2017 4:30 PM 6:30 PM MST

Join the COS CEO Leadership Lessons presented by Herring Bank and the Colorado Springs Business Journal. 

Guest of honor: Margaret Sabin

Join the Colorado Springs Business Journal and Penrose-St. Francis CEO Margaret Sabin as she discusses what she's learned in leading one of the top hospital systems in the country. Find out her thoughts on the future of healthcare, what ails the system and what she believes is the cure. 

Thanks to our additional sponsors Midland Bank, The Alternative Board, Stockman Kast Ryan + Co., Solid Rock Custom Homes, and our gracious hosts the Garden of the Gods Club and Resort.

Upcoming Leadership Lessons:

Mary Fagnant- August 7th 

Kevin O’neil- September 6th

Perry Sanders- September 21st

Tom Naughton- October 30th 

Bill Hybl-November 20th        


CSBJ (Publishing Corp. of Colorado Springs)

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235 S. Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80903